PMI’s Sonic Prime Line + An Interesting Unreleased Plush That I Own!

Lets take a look at PMI’s Sonic Prime line and also a cool look at a plush that somehow ended up in my hands, but I have no idea where he came from!

With the release of Netflix’s Sonic Prime, many companies were given the license to produce merch based on the show and one of the most known companies making Prime merch is PMI Kids World. Their Prime line is… a bit mixed to say the least but lets take a look, starting with their figures!

The most common figures you’ll see from the PMI line are these non-articulated 2 inch figures. They’re most commonly found in blind bags but PMI also released the entire set (minus Hangry and Froggy) together.

These figures have really nice sculpts but unfortunately their paint job isn’t quite as good with many figures lacking painted mouths (most notably Thorn) or details (most notably Shadow who is missing a LOT of details on his shoes).

The next most common set is their articulated line, and I say articulated very loosely. These are slightly bigger than the non-articulated figures and contain articulated waists, but that’s it as far as articulation goes. Their paint job also sucks but something that is pretty cool is that Nine and Thorn’s accessories can be removed! I’m not sure why since their poses would look odd without them. Their bases aren’t removable.

These articulated figures can be found in blind boxes (mostly in Europe) or in spherical capsules (mostly in the US) but can also be bought together in a full set.

Next up are the stamper figures which are quite interesting as they feature two new characters who remained unreleased in the regular 2 inch set, Knuckles the Dread and Dr. Done it.

These figures, as their name suggests, have stamps attached to their base. The stamps are pictures of the character they’re based on, I believe.

Next are the keychains which can be found in individual boxes. These contain all the characters from the 2 inch line but also two new additions, No Place Sonic and Dr. Deep.

For some reason, No Place Sonic and Dr. Deep are extremely hard to find, with some people wondering if they even exist at all.

Next are my personal favourites out of the PMI figures, the Paradox Prism capsule figures! These figures feature entirely new sculpts and are a little bit smaller than the articulated figures but a little bit bigger than the non-articulated figures. They each come in a Paradox Prism blind capsule and contain a base and a shard that attaches to the base.

The sculpts on these are great, they all look awesome, but just like the above figures, their paint job is very lacking. This is a shame because these figures cost quite a bit more than the others, at least where I live. They’re pretty difficult to find outside of the US, too, as they were initially released as Walmart exclusives. Here in the UK, it seems these are exclusive to Amazon.

This interesting piece of merch is a Sonic Prime advent calendar and it differs from most advent calendars as it isn’t very festive, it just features a generic render of Prime Sonic. It’s also not quite as interesting as it looks and the Amazon listing is rather misleading! The listing implies that every door will feature a figure but that’s not the case.

These are the contents of the advent calendar… very disappointing. There’s a few figures, keychains and stamper figures, but other than that, it’s mostly stuff that no one would ever use such as a spinner, some unusual rubber standees, some stickers and I think tattoos which appear to be using concept art!

The prism shards are pretty cool but this definitely isn’t worth the £40 price tag.

And to make this even stranger, I found this German review which seems to imply they received a Boom Amy figure in theirs? How did that even happen? Very interesting.

Now onto the plushies

These are PMI’s 6 inch keychain plushies! They’re very cute but also kinda goofy looking. The quality control on these is lacking since some of them have a straight face, making them look kinda depressed.

The Sonic plushies from this line are really cute, though! I love them!

If you think the final plushies look goofy, here’s a prototype of Sonic that I found on a distribution website before they released! He looks like he ate a bee.

Finally in PMI’s Prime plush line up, we have these very silly plush backpacks of the Boscage Maze gang! They’re all 12 inches and have printed details on them just like the keychain plushies. They all look very chubby and silly, I kinda love them, but I think the biggest issue with these is to someone that doesn’t know Sonic Prime, they look like bootleg Sonic merch even though they’re official. I own the Sonic one and he’s just as cute in person as he is in this picture!

These backpacks are sold in either plastic bags or in a proper box like the one I received, which I think looks really silly as he’s so squished in there.

Now, these are kids backpacks so do bare that in mind before purchasing. I’m average height and was able to adjust the bag to fit my shoulders but I think anyone taller would definitely struggle. As for the space inside of them, yeah, these guys are definitely just for show. Don’t expect to fit much in them. They have a zip on their back and you place the items into their torso.

So, Sonic Prime has officially finished and all three seasons (or rather parts of the one season) have been released, so that must been Prime merch is over… right? Nope! PMI have another series of Prime merch coming up this fall and we received our first look at the beginning of this year!

As you can see here, they’re using 3D render mock-ups to show what the toys will look like so these are much more detailed than what the final figures will look like (if the series 1 figures are anything to go by).

Alongside a new series of the Paradox Prism figures (which show a new Shadow figure), we have Chaos Capsule toys which feature a figure and some other goodies that I can’t quite make out what they are. The figure shown is No Place Sonic doing his figure-8 run and he looks really nice!

They’ll also be releasing new non-articulated figures and new articulated figures as we see with the non-articulated Grim Sonic and articulated Knuckles the Dread. I’m curious to see if Grim Sonic will have transparent shoes or not, but considering PMI’s track record, I doubt it, they’ll probably be solid and opaque. It really is a shame that PMI’s paint quality is so poor because their sculpts are amazing, they look so close to the in-show models!

We also have this very low quality image of PMI’s booth at the 2024 London Toy Fair! It’s very difficult to tell what’s here and a lot of stuff is stuff that we already know of such as the Paradox Prism figures, the advent calendar and the series 1 keychain plushies, but if you look closely, you can make out a few interesting things! First of all, I believe in the top left, those are the new line of figures with one of them being the Grim Sonic figure shown above. There’s also the Chaos Capsule figures which are very difficult to make out but if I had to guess, there’s the No Place figure-8 Sonic, a Tails variant flying and possibly Renegade Knucks? But that’s just a guess.

Most interesting of all is the plushies at the bottom! I’m not entirely sure if the backpack is a new variant but if I had to guess, it’s probably just the Boscage Maze Sonic. On the left, we have what appears to be all the series 1 plushies but on the right, these are entirely new plushies which feature Shadow and a variant of Tails, who I’m almost 100% certain is Sails… Why is that? Well…

I own him and from what I know, I’m the only Sonic collector who does! I found this guy whilst browsing Vinted listed as a Nine plush! He was sold alongside the series 1 plushies but I have absolutely no idea how the seller ended up with him, especially since he’s the only new plush that they were selling.

Obviously, I had to buy him but I was sceptical to what I’d receive since this plush hasn’t been released or even shown off to the public! But here he is in all of his derpy glory!

A few people suspected that he may be a bootleg but I’m 99% certain that he isn’t because,
1. He’s made of the exact same materials as the other PMI plushies and the clip is exactly the same.
2. Why would bootleggers go out of their way to bootleg the PMI keychains of all things and why would they choose such an obscure character?

Another interesting thing to note is that he doesn’t have a tush tag which I suppose is what led some to believe he’s a bootleg but I’m definitely certain he’s legit and I’m so happy to be the one who owns him, especially since Sonic Prime is my favourite thing to come out of the Sonic franchise! But he’s still such a mystery to me. Where did he come from? How did he end up alongside the plushies from series 1? How did the seller get him? I guess I’ll never know, but I can’t wait for the rest of the line to release! Especially Shadow 🙂

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